Cyber Security Operations

Your industry needs more than monitoring, it needs action. Cyber attacks, like modern warfare, require tight coordination and operational power. For cybersecurity professionals, the battlefield is digital, but the tactics are the same.

In recent years, the frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks has increased exponentially. Critical government and private sector networks are probed and scanned thousands of times every day. Keeping pace with the ever-changing threat landscape requires Cybersecurity Operations experience that can see, monitor, detect, react, and translate into near real-time actionable Cyber Security Operations.

Venatron leads the way in security risk management, security policy development, security threat assessments and incident response to protect government and private sector critical networks as the threat scale of cyber threats to national security and the national economy unfolds.

High technology has become more than an administrative tool to increase office productivity, it has become a strategic asset in its own right. Your digital infrastructure enables almost everything; communications, logistics, support, command, control, real-time intelligence and remotely manageable operations. Each of these functions depends on a global communications backbone.

Low budgets for information technology make your industry vulnerable to threats from the global communications backbone. If a dozen malicious people who are well-versed in software and network management find a vulnerability in your industry, they can infiltrate your communications network, steal your production and investment plans, or disrupt your operations.

Venatron strengthens your defenses by addressing current cyber threat trends that your industry may face due to its sector and location, while developing strategies against the next generation of advanced threats that may come from the global communication backbone.

Cyber threats to the security of your industry are not limited to a dozen profit-seeking individuals. Foreign governments, competitors, information collectors are well aware of the damage that acquired data can do to your industry when it is processed for its intended purpose.

The high technology that facilitates the flow of processing also increases the risk of espionage and theft of commercial information. The cyber threat to intellectual property may be the most significant threat we have faced in recent times. Many industries have recently reported losing intellectual property as a result of a sophisticated operation directed against their corporate infrastructure. While the threat to intellectual property is not as dramatic as the threat to critical infrastructure, it is a serious threat in the long term, as the strength of industry depends on economic vitality.

Given the rapid development of high technology, computer networks are not the only vulnerability. Software and hardware are also at risk, as is interference before integrating operational systems. Counterfeit hardware can cause your operations to fail, while backdoored software can allow remote control by your enemies.

Both geographically and institutionally dispersed industries need high awareness, training and a security strategy to maintain uninterrupted operations and self-defense in a cyberspace environment. Given these conditions, security is a process, not a product.

Venatron designs advanced security protocols for decision makers and develops cyber defense capabilities with the right hardware and strategy.

The daunting challenges of cybersecurity represent the beginning of a new era. Cyber threats can halt the economic rise of your industry, but more importantly threaten your vital security.

Given the global nature of the Internet, Cybersecurity Operations awareness plays a critical role. Cybersecurity operations competency allows you to bring collective cyber defense capabilities under one roof, anticipate cyber threats and attacks, provide threat intelligence, and enable near real-time incident response.

The purpose of Venatron Cybersecurity Operations is to provide tactical and strategic guidance on how industries can protect their communication and information systems from cyber threats, from the point of inception, development, management and optimization.

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